What Is MIM?
Process Overview
When to Use MIM
General Guidelines
Technology Comparisons
Materials Range
Materials List
Design Guidelines
Designing for Manufacturability
Uniform Wall Thickness
Thickness Transition
Coring Holes
Ribs and Webs
Fillets and Radii
Holes and Slots
Parting Lines
Decorative Features
Sintering Support
Secondary Operations

Fillets and Radii
Fillets and radii are generally advantageous to product function as they reduce stresses at the intersection of features. They are also advantageous to the molding process, by eliminating sharp corners that can cause cracking or erosion of mold features, by facilitating the flow of feedstock into the mold, and by assisting in the ejection of the part from the cavity. They may also provide a softening of sharp corners for esthetics and handling. Fillets and radii of 0.4–0.8 mm (0.015–0.030 in.) are generally preferred.